Who Killed Creativity? How Can We Get Creativity Back?

CSI-1 ‘Creative Thinking Fundamentals’ with face to face WKC Boardgame

WKC Gameboard Face to face workshops & simulations

Game board material

Identifying potential psychological and environmental blocks to Creativity (CSI-1)

The ‘Who Killed Creativity?’ gamified workshop session is an interactive diagnostic tool for identifying the blocks to creative thinking and innovation in individuals, teams & organizations. This session should be a critical prelude for any creative thinking / design thinking / agile or innovation intervention a team or company is embarking on. It provides an engaging, interactive context for exploring the potential blocks to positive change. Themed as a crime scene investigation (CSI style), the session helps to identify the key ‘creativity killer’ culprits we all face individually (psychological blocks, eg as identified by neuroscience) and reveals potential ‘danger’ locations around the organization (organizational culture and environmental blocks).

Outcomes & Takeaways

Understanding both the neurological (internal) and  environmental (external) the forces that inhibit and block creative thinking

Participants will walk away with an understanding of why Creativity has difficulty flourishing in a typical work environment PLUS learn the traits of a creative mindset & innovative work environment.


Workshop logistics: ½- 1 day  / 5- 48 pax

Available: with a Professional accredited facilitator & Licencing


Use this CSI-1 tool to diagnose and discuss key points before embarking on any design thinking or creative problem-solving venture. Tirian, along with many other organizations and consultants – offer design thinking courses and solutions. We believe that there is no point asking teams to solve difficult problems using creative thinking tools and methodologies,  if the topic of what might be blocking creative thinking is not addressed.


Themed as a crime scene investigation, throughout the game, participants are encouraged to identify WHAT is responsible for blocking creative thinking, and HOW & WHERE it has been stifled in the mind, teams and organizations. They are then shown how to rebuild a culture of innovation through 7 practical ‘rescue strategies’. The game board provided gives profile information about the key ‘creativity killer suspects’ and shows potential  locations around the organization, and through dealing with game cards participants are given the opportunity to consider clues and decide what they think the greatest blockers and best rescue strategies are.

2014 YPO Creativity Event

2014 YPO Creativity Event

2014 YPO Creativity Event

2014 YPO Creativity Event

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